In Memoriam Lists and Obituaries
The people who've walked the halls of the Texas State Capitol are smart, capable, and dedicated to making Texas a better place to live - whether they're elected officials, appointed officials, legislative or agency staff, lobbyists, or journalists. They've made lasting impressions on us, and we honor their memories by posting their obituaries here.
2025 Obituaries
2024 Obituaries
Linda Aaker
Jim Adams
Daniel Averitt
Allison Baker
Sandra Garcia Barrette
Larry Beauchamp
Richard Beck
Hon. Carlos Cascos
Richard "Kinky" Friedman
Gail Harris
Cynthia Keever
Richard Kouri, Jr.
Tony Lindsay
Hon. Parker McCollough
Jan Meinscher
Urban "Obie" O'Brien
Hon. Rene Oliveira
Judge Morris Overstreet
Dr. Beverly Parker
Hon. Carl Parker
Mary Bain Haralson Pearson
Craig Pedersen
Hon. Jim Pitts
Gene Alice Sherman
Amber Ray Shull
Jeri Stone
George Strake, Jr.
Hon. Ralph Wayne
Kathleen Hartnett White
Alonzo Wood
Arlene Zirkel
2023 Obituaries
Carolyn Scogin Beynon
Nancy Fleming Carpenter
Omega Chisum
Ron Cobb
Hon. David Counts
Hon. Mary Denny
James Gaston
Hon. Bob Glasgow
Gordon Heflin
Judge Mary Horn
Glen Hunt
Hon. Bob Hunter
Bob Huxel
Hon. Eddie Bernice Johnson
Tamoria Jones
Paul Kamprath
John Kennedy
Jay Leeson
Mark Lehman
Laura Lee Lewis
Mario A. Martinez
Judge Michael J. McCormick
Pete McRae
Michael “Mickey” Moore
Steven Murdock, PhD
Speaker Gus Mutscher
Larry Norwood
Edd O’Donnell
Mae Beth Palone
Hon. Jim Parker
Hon. Bill Presnal
Speaker Rayford Price
Hon. Jack Rains
Cary Roberts
Mark Sanders
John Steinberg
Michael K. Stewart
Sandra Tenorio
Celeste Villarreal
Judge Jim Vollers
Harry Whittington
2022 Obituaries
David Beckwith
Hon. Bennie Bock, II
Harry Bradley
Commissioner Don Brown
Tim Brown
Paul Burka
Hon. Joe Cannon
Virginia Carter
Harold Cook
Hon. Rick Crawford
John Ellis
Hon. Dan Flynn
Hon. Bill Haley
Ambassador Bob Krueger
William H. Kuntz, Jr.
Rob Looney
Linda Mueller
John Odom, Jr.
Hon. Randall Riley
Jack Roberts
Jesse Romero
Don "Dee" Simpson, Jr.
Bob Slagle
Jocelyn "Joci" Straus
Hon. David Swinford
Hon. Bob Turner
Kim Yelkin
2021 Obituaries
Trooper Aaron Ard
Hon. Bill Barton
Michael Cain
Durwood Curlee
Max "Bear" Engram
Hon. Frances "Sissy" Farenthold
Arnold Garcia
Hon. Toby Goodman
Hon. O.H. "Ike" Harris
Linda Heflin
Nelle Cavness Hickerson
Dwayne Holman
Danny Jensen
Bob Kelly
Chris Lippincott
Hon. Libby Linebarger
Patsy Middleton
Will Newton
George Phenix
Hon. Pike Powers
Sandra Proctor
Rebecca Merrill Rosenfeld
Hon. Froy Salinas
Wayne Slater
Ruth Snyder
Tom Treadway
Hon. Keith Valigura
Hon. Sarah Weddington
Bobbye Word
2020 Obituaries
Col. Jim Adams
Camilla Bordie
Jim Boynton
Richard "Dick" Brown
Susie Buda
Hon. Lloyd Criss
Ryan Duran
Hon. Ronnie Earle
Hon. Al Edwards
Chris Elliott
Sec. John Fainter
Hon. Tony Goolsby
Paul S. Harris
Hon. Sam Johnson
Jay Kimbrough
Jeff Kloster
Mike McElroy
Scott Mescall
Hon. Sergio Munoz, Sr.
Hon. John Otto
Hon. Hugh Parmer
Steve Perry
John "Mike" Sanders
Hon. Tati Santiesteban
Charlotte Sharp
Judge Joe Spurlock, II
Billie Thompson
Clayton Williams, Jr.
Randall "Buck" Wood